Ugly Sweater Weather


Release Date: December 15, 2020
Genre: Romance, Holiday, Novella
On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...twelve days to prove to her that we weren't just best friends, that it was more than our dogs who were madly in love. 
When her mom bailed on their plans, she found herself stuck in the city with nothing to do. 
Well, I was going to giver her something to do. 
Fall as in love with me as I was with her...

I'm a fan of Jessica Gadziala and can truly attest to the fact that she is talented and can write all different kinds of books and make me love every single one. This novella was no different. 

It was the perfect little treat for me to fall into right before the Holiday season and gave me the sweetness I needed in between some dark books. This novella follows Crosby and Dea who've been best friends ever since their dogs fell in love years prior. Ugly Sweater Weather was made even more adorable with the added bonus of the dogs and the relationships each dog had with its owner and the other dog. Super cute!

Crosby has decided to spend 12 days convincing Dea that they're perfect for each. He's offered to do all of the activities planned for Dea and her mom since Dea's mom is on her 5th husband and has canceled on Dea, leaving her feeling alone and unloved. Dea and Crosby were both kind hearted, sweet characters that adore Christmas and everything Christmas themed. There was very little angst and a lot of holiday cheer. 

I'd recommend this fun, quick read for anyone just wanting to get a little Christmas cheer! 


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